The List

A couple of years ago, all the way back in 2007 I had a list. It was a list that brought challenges, adventures, excitement, laughter and some silliness to my year and after not having one for two years I think its time the list made a come back. Like 2007's list, 2010's list has all kids of things on it, some things to keep me entertained, somethings to keep me accountable, somethings to make me a better person and somethings just because I can. I think the thing I like about the list is the fact that is gives me some hard evidence of the things I achieve no matter how petty or small they might be. It means that this time next year I will be able to look back and have, hopefully, 100 things I have done this year, as well as the things that aren't on the list.

So, just like last time, if there is anything you would like to do with me, or could help me with, just let me know, that would be great. Hopefully as the year goes by I will be able to tick them off this not so little list and put up photo or at least a blog about it... Anyway, here is the new list...

1. Lose weight (goal of 15kgs)
2. Learn guitar, again - be able to play at least 1 radio song
3. Go interstate
4. Be on time - or at the very least not late to everything
5. Do my devotions 5nights each week
6. Sing with Pa
7. Bake meringues
8. Exercise 3times each week
9. Take a dance lesson
10. Go without TV for a week
11. Play a game of netball
12. Visit an Australian county town I haven't been to before
13. Go to Inverloch with Pheebs & Kirsten
14. Try beef jerky
15. Try durian fruit
16. Do something different with my hair
17. Drink a bottle of water everyday
18. Have a piece of fruit everyday
19. Go to the zoo
20. Go to a theme park
21. Write 10 cards just because
22. Have 2 'diet coke free' days each week
23. Write a kids nutrition book
24. See a musical
25. Set up my salary packaging
26. Cook at least 1 home cooked meal each week
27. Go to the beach at least 4 times
28. Go to a river
29. Have 5 singing lessons
30. Go overseas
31. Run a 1/2 marathon
32. Try 2 new recipes a month
33. Keep my car free of rubbish
34. Once again try to not push the snooze button and just get up
35. Meet the rest of Dave's rellies
36. Scan my photos onto my computer
37. Use my IMAX voucher
38. Use my drive in voucher
39. Watch a sunset over the country hills
40. Stand out in the rain
41. See some fireworks
42. Read 6 books
43. Take Dexter to puppy school
44. Buy a new handbag
45. Have a massage
46. Play a board-game
47. Eat fairy bread
48. Paint a picture
49. Go camping
50. See a movie in gold class
51. Visit Pez in Kilmore
52. Catch up with my uni mates for dinner
53. Go to a school concert of Dave's
54. Keep my herb garden alive and use some of them in my cooking
55. Go to the DAA conference
56. Have a dinner party with a 3 course meal
57. Attend a service at Castlemaine corps
58. Attend a service at Bendigo corps
59. Attend a service at Leongatha corps
60. Test drive a car
61. Visit my great grandma
62. Get a set top box for my telly - or a new telly?
63. Make a fire ready pack for my car
64. Get my blog up to date and keep it that way
65. Go to a wedding
66. Have the TV off by 11pm on weeknights
67. Only buy lunch from work twice a week
68. Go to at least 4 exercise classes
69. Go on a road trip
70. Get a hands free kit for my car
71. Paint my toenails
72. Catch up with my high school friends for dinner
73. Don't crash my car or anyone elses
74. Fix up scrap books of bits and pieces
75. Wash my car or get my car washed at least 3 times
76. Win something
77. Finish watching McLeod's Daughters
78. Actively practice turning the telly off and just listening to music
79. Obey the speed limit
80. See Disney's Princess and the frog
81. Keep my desk at work and at home tidy
82. Fix up my super stuff
83. Go on a roller-coaster
84. Make a time capsule
85. Grow a plant from a seed
86. Get tadpoles
87. Investigate MobileMe
88. Learn a magic trick
89. Send a message in a bottle
90. Make a new friend
91. Make something in origami
92. Make up my own word
93. Invent a new game
94. Glue some coins to my floor
95. Bake some cookies
96. Vacuum the upstairs of my house
97. Spend a day with my brothers
98. Make my own jewelery for a special date
99. Learn to play the bongos
100. Go on a date day

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